DEADWOOD – In honor of Women’s History Month and in conjunction with Deadwood History, Inc. and the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission, South Dakota Humanities Council Speakers’ Bureau Scholar, Phyllis Schrag will present a lecture at 12:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 28, 2019, at the Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center (HARCC), 150 Sherman Street, Deadwood. The event is wheelchair accessible. Please feel free to bring your lunch.
You say or do something and you wonder, “where did that come from?” only to remember your mother said and did that and suddenly you realize you have become your mother. In a PowerPoint™ presentation, audience members will be reminded of common expressions used by our mothers, along with humorous stories that help us understand the powerful gene pool from which we came. The presentation also includes inspiring quotes attributed to notable famous women of all generations.
Phyllis A. Schrag is an accomplished actor and living history performer formerly from Sioux
Falls, South Dakota, now residing in Ames, Iowa. She holds a M.S.S. degree from the University of South Dakota in speech, drama, and gifted education. Schrag has taught public and private school, as well as at the University of Sioux Falls. She was the first recipient of the South Dakota Education Association Teacher of Excellence Award in 2001.
Preservation Thursday is co-sponsored by the Deadwood Historic Preservation Commission, Deadwood History, Adams-Mastrovich Family Foundation, Saloon No. 10, Fresh Paint, Jerry Greer’s Engineering, Deadwood Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau, tdg Marketing & Public Relations, and the South Dakota Humanities Council, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
We inspire the global community by preserving and celebrating the cultural heritage of Deadwood and the Black Hills in the context of the American West through exceptional exhibits, innovative educational programs, and access to extensive collections in unique settings.
Adams Museum, Days of ’76 Museum, Historic Adams House, and
Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center (HARCC)
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