DEADWOOD – Deadwood History, Inc. is proud to announce the ninth annual Bernie Williams Award for History. Lead-Deadwood students in grades K-6 must submit a completed assigned project to Deadwood History no later than December 28, 2018. The winners will receive a full calendar year scholarship to all Deadwood History youth programs. Winners will be notified in January 2019. All entries will be on display during the month of February at the Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center (HARCC).
Imagine you are a newspaper reporter interviewing an artifact that is found in the Adams Museum. What would that artifact tell you about itself? What is its name? Where is it from? How old is it? What was it used for? Who used it? Describe that artifacts typical workday. What can it teach you? What is most surprising about it? What other questions would you ask it? Present your interview, along with a picture of the artifact, as a newspaper article. Let your imagination flow and use your artistic skills for this project. Scholarship forms can be picked up at the Adams Museum, Days of ’76 Museum, or the HARCC. For more information, please contact Amanda Brown or Tera Richards at 605-578-1657.
Bernie Williams was a strong supporter of the communities of Deadwood and Lead, an advocate for children, and a dear friend of the Deadwood museums. When she passed away in 2009, Williams left a legacy of hope and historic preservation. The Bernie Williams Award for History honors that legacy by offering a full calendar-year scholarship to all Deadwood History youth and family programs.
We inspire the global community by preserving and celebrating the cultural heritage of Deadwood and the Black Hills in the context of the American West through exceptional exhibits, innovative educational programs, and access to extensive collections in unique settings.
Adams Museum, Days of ’76 Museum, Historic Adams House, and Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center (HARCC)
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.